この地図は勝連半島にあるレストラン特製のもので面白いので買いました。部屋に張っておりおりに眺めています。沖縄が通常の地図とは異なって逆さまになっているので不思議にインスパイアされます。The Century of Asia アジアの世紀というタイトルがついています。こんな風な地図の書き方でアジアを見たらという程度に受け取りたいですが、なかなかそれだけではすみません。
I bought this map at a restaurant called Momoto-An nearby the Katsuren Castle in the peninsula of Katsuren in Okinawa. I occasionally see and think about the location of Okinawa in Asia through this angle of view (upside down). After many times watching, I now feel this location is more normal for Okinawa island people than the regular map. Japan and Korea are located behind, while gigantic China presses island countries like Taiwan, Philippine, Indonesia and Ryukyu-islands. It is easily understood that Viet Nam, Thai, Cambodia, Myanmer and other southern Asian countries are under the constant pressure from the Northern country. Okinawa-Ryukyu seems to have a geographically great mission to link quite distinct people and cultures in this area.